Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ten Days In

The actuality that I will be living in South America is starting to sink in.  Parts of Buenos Aires are starting to shine, even after ten days.  The nightlife here is a breed of its own.  It is such a mix of swanky hotspots, to mega-clubs and discos.  The longer I'm here and the more I wander through this expansive city, the more I realize it is a mix of everything once thought of great with the world.  Whether it actually is or isn't is determined by time, but at the point of its construction, it was trendy, helpful, and beautiful.  The mix of Parisian architecture with grungy indecisive buildings is complemented by skyscrapers in Puerto Modero that are situated next to La Boca, one of the poorest barrios in BsAs.  I need to stop trying to compare this city to other ones, it is simply BsAs, it doesn't feel like Miami, New York, or wherever, it feels uniquely Argentine, uniquely Buenos Aires. 

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