Sunday, June 5, 2011

Just Blah

The first year of college seems to come and go in the blink of an eye.  You grow more than you would have ever thought possible; try ecstasy, maybe have a threesome, skip class, and finally load up on adderall to cram a semester's worth of work into about three days.  There is no other time in our lives when we have the ability to do just about whatever we want with few repercussions.  All of that's great, but come May when thousands of us return home, we are confronted with a past that seemed so distant.

There is no escaping the awkward "hey," "sup bro," (just puked a little) or "how was your year, you look great!"  The funny thing about coming home is that in college, especially if you go away from home, is a new world where you can start fresh (sorry that is so nerdy).  The people you grew up with for the first 18 years of your life are doing their own thing, but when you come home, that all changes.

The gym is a hotbed of activity in and of itself, and personally I blast my iPod and get into my own little world.  First off I get annoyed when I run into someone and have to make small talk, on top of that, seeing people from high school just brings you right back into senior year.  I waved to a few kids who ran in different circles.  They didn't wave back, making me look like an idiot, but making them look immature.  Of course I talked to my close friends, but then comes the really awkward moment of making small talk with people you know and have to say hi to. Let me just say I HATE SMALL TALK, but it is something that everyone has to do.  It is really funny how some people seem to have matured and others stay set in their ways.  Something that has united almost everyone is that we all gained some weight, Fuck.  Anyway coming home is such a downer for everyone after their freshman in college high, but it is a right of passage.

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