Saturday, June 11, 2011


(Let me preface this by saying that the occasional drunk voicemail from an ex or current significant other is generally appreciated)

On an average day I receive about 10-15 phone calls.  I don't own a home phone, so calling my cell is the best way to reach me (duh).  Text messaging has been around, or rather been popular, for about ten years now.  The days of short mail are long gone, thank goodness.  Ever since the growth of text messaging, the need for voicemail has gone down.  Voicemail is redundant for a variety of reasons:

1)  It takes up time to find the message, listen to it, call the person back, and finally bring the conversation up to the speed where the message left off.

2)  PEOPLE ALWAYS RAMBLE IN MESSAGES (that pisses me off)

3) We all have our phones attached to our hips (not actually, that is so dated).  If your phone rings, chances are you will pick it up.  If the person you call can't talk at the time of the call, what is the point of leaving a voicemail?  Voicemails are like phone calls with yourself (wow I worded that terribly, but you get it...)

4)  Just text me, it makes it look like I have friends (even if the text is from my mom)

5)  Voicemails usually consist of the first half of a conversation you have when you finally call the person back, so why not just call them later or shoot the person a text to call you?

6) Listening to voicemail is awkward.  Its like you are on the phone, but you're not really on the phone.  I used to listen to voicemails and nod my head, maybe even act like i was having a conversation.  (to make my insecure 12-year old self look cool)

The more technology advances the less important voicemails will become.  When you are sitting in a meeting, in class, or out at a bar, text messaging is vastly easier to do.  I have been an in-class-texter for about ten years now but can honestly say I have never made a call or listened to my voicemail in class.  Texting is such an easier thing to do, it's quicker and quieter as well.  To sum everything up, if you need me, call me, but please text me instead of leaving a voicemail.

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