Sunday, June 12, 2011

Oh You Tweet?

I recently celebrated by 3 year Twitter birthday.  Most of you reading this are probably getting the link via Twitter so you understand how awesome it is.  Twitter has around 100 million users and seems to be the hottest thing since Uggs or Atkins.  When I first signed up for an account many people made fun or talked down about Twitter.  Some of them are now following me...  Anyway what I am trying to say is that social media is ever changing and it is just funny how people can go from being so anti-Twitter to being obsessed and Twit-Picking photos of their house parties, dogs or beer-bongs in a matter of days.

When Twitter was young...

Twitter was awesome, not that it isn't now, because only  a select group of people had and realized how awesome it was.  People could really say whatever they wanted because only a few people had it.  I remember the first Twitter conversation about someone talking trash on someone else via social media.  As more and more people began to tweet, the fewer and fewer possibilities remained to express every thought you want.


Some people are obsessed with the Twitter ratio, it's all a race to see how many followers you can have.  Well ya it is nice to have a lot of followers, but I would rather have fewer followers that really like what I have to say than 1,000 people who follow me just because.  That being said when I decide to follow someone it is based off of what they have to say.  If you tweet things like "mother nature has tapped into my soul today," or "@.... is so busy."  The same thing applies to Facebook statuses, don't make your updates appear as if people are going to read your name then apply it to the sentence.  Like we know who you are don't waste my time.  Twitter is awesome because you pick and chose who you want to follow.  If every tweet is some emo dissertation about your dog or the weather, I am going to unfollow you.  Please don't take offense, you're an awesome person, maybe just not an awesome Tweeter.

Parents on Twitter...

Those annoying tweets can be relayed over to tweets about children.  I am all for parents being on Twitter, but do get a little freaked out if they come up to me start talkin about what I have been doing thanks in part to my tweets.  I just get a little bugged out when a friends uncle asks how many shrimp I caught at dinner last night.  I'm flattered they follow me but don't blatantly bring it up.  Another struggle is worrying about what you tweet because adults follow you on Twitter.  There are a few solutions to that, one being that you make your account private.  Personally I like being open to everyone.  Early on I tweeted a few risque things, but opening up my account makes me focus on appropriate tweets.  Keeping your twitter private also limits your ability to broadcast a message.  When Osama Bin Laden was killed 36% of people found out via Twitter.  That number awed me.  Important social events like that happen sporadically and by keeping your account open, you can broadcast your thoughts and information out publicly.

The best thing about social media is that it is ever changing.  Twitter has revolutionized the way information is shared.  As it continues to grow, I can't wait to see what comes next!

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