Monday, June 13, 2011

The "k" Response

Let's cut right to the chase.  When you are having a texting conversation it is always annoying when the person takes hours to text you back even though you know the message has been read (why BBM is handy).  Texting is difficult to fully comprehend because the person you are having the conversation with might text differently than how they speak.  For example some people add lots of smilies or exclamation marks while their conversational mannerisms might not match up.  The same can be said for the length and complexity of each message.  Enough talking, here are text responses that I cannot stand.

"K"  This is by far the worst.  Sending "K" to someone is the sassiest thing you can do.  You are more or less giving them the middle finger of texting.

"Sure" This is almost as bad as "K" but lacks the sass just a little bit.

"Fine"  This brings the sass full scale, but it can be taken in different ways thanks to the text/speak separation.

"Bro, ill, dope, word" are cool if you are in Sigma Chi and live in a JCrew catalog, but it's whatever.  These don't really tick me off more so just step back and be like... uhh? (I often will use these in text, ya I'm a hypocrite)

One of the toughest things about texting is realizing the person you are having the conversation with has time to think about their response and how to put it.  Rather than instantaneous responses in conversation, texting is a new form of communication that really is only a couple years old.

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