Friday, June 10, 2011

Why I Don't Use Facebook Over The Summer

Facebook is a great social networking tool which has revolutionized the world.  It is a great way to stay in touch with all of your friends, stalk them, and promote yourself.  During the school year I find myself spending hours lost in the world of "stalking."  If you are thinking to yourself that I am some sort of freak, check your tabs, I bet Facebook is open...  The website provides an escape from the daily grind and is a great oasis or distraction from the stress of school.  That being said I am probably on it too much during the school year.  Like millions of college students I cram an entire semester's worth of work into about a week, during which time Facebook goes on lockdown.  Services like Self-Control do a great job of limiting this distraction and keeping me on task.  Some friends have gone so far as to delete their account or exchange passwords with other friends.  Long story short, Facebook runs the 15-22 year old computer.  We are obsessed with it.

During the school year I am on Facebook a lot, (my usage has gone down as I have grown older) but during the summer, my usage almost disappears.  I don't know what it is about the summer months but I really stop caring about what pictures are added, or who just started dating each other.  Facebook is such a great distraction and tool during the school year, yet during the summer I can't stand FB chat, push notifications, and all that other junk.

Why don't you delete it?

I thought about it, but let's be real FB helps you stay in touch with each other.  Without it I would have little to no contact with friends in other cities.  Before FB people used each other to find out information and gossip about potential dates or acquaintances, now just find them on FB.  As annoying as it is over the summer, I use for some sort of mental stimulation.  Over the summer FB just loses its importance because I'm doing other things.  At the end of the day I would rather have a beer than sit down than see who updated their music interests.  It would make sense to delete it over the summer, but I want to stay in touch with a select few, and on top of that, I will need it come procrastination time come fall.

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